#1: Rich people believe “I create my life”. Poor people believe “Life happens to me”.
- Every time you catch yourself blaming, justifying, or complaining, slide your index finger across your neck, as a trigger to remind yourself that you are slitting your financial throat. It will eventually work to alleviate the destructive habit
- Do a “debrief.” At the end of each day, write down one thing that went well and one that didn’t. Then write the answer to the following question: “How did I create each of these situations?” If others were involved, ask yourself, “What was my part in creating each of these situations?” This exercise will keep you accountable for your life and make you aware of the strategies that are working for you and the strategies that are not
#2: Rich people play the money game to win. Poor people play the money game to not lose.
- Write down two financial objectives that demonstrate your intention to create abundance, not mediocrity or poverty. Write “play to win” goals for your:
- Annual income
- Net worth
- Make these goals achievable with a realistic time frame, yet at the same time remember to “shoot for the stars.”
- Go to an upscale restaurant and order a meal at “market price” without asking how much it costs. (If funds are tight, sharing is acceptable.) P.S. No chicken!
#3: Rich people are committed to being rich. Poor people want to be rich.
- Write a short paragraph on exactly why creating wealth is important to you. Be specific
- Meet with a friend or family member who is willing to support you. Tell that person you want to evoke the power of commitment for the purpose of creating greater success. Put your hand on your heart, look that person in the eye, and repeat the following statement:
- “I _______ [your name], do hereby commit to becoming a millionaire or more by ________ [date].”
- Tell your partner to say “I believe in you.” Then you say, “Thank you.”
#4: Rich people think big. Poor people think small.
- Write down what you believe to be your “natural talents.” These are things you’ve always been naturally good at. Also write how and where you can use more of these gifts in your life and especially your work life
- Write some or brainstorm with a group of people how you can solve problems for ten times the number of people you affect in your job or business now. Come up with at least three different strategies. Think “leverage.”
#5: Rich people focus on opportunities. Poor people focus on obstacles.
- Get in the game. Consider a situation or project you’ve wanted to start. Whatever you’ve been waiting for, forget it. Begin now from wherever you ate with whatever you’ve got. If possible, do it while working for or with someone else, first, to learn the ropes. If you’ve already learned, no more excuses. Go for it!
- Practice optimism. Today, whatever anyone says is a problem or an obstacle, reframe it into an opportunity. You’ll drive negative people nuts, but, hey, what’s the difference? That’s what they’re constantly doing to themselves anyway!
- Focus on what you have, not on what you don’t have. Make a list of ten things you are grateful for in your life and read the list aloud. Then read it each morning for the next thirty days. If you don’t appreciate what you’ve got, you won’t get any more and you don’t need any more
#6: Rich people admire other rich & successful people. Poor people resent rich & successful people.
- Practice the Huna philosophy “bless that which you want.” Drive around or buy magazines, look at beautiful homes, gorgeous cars, and read about successful businesses. Whatever you see that you like, bless it, and bless the owners or the people involved
- Write and send a mutter or e-mail to someone you know of (not necessarily personally) who is highly successful in any arena, telling them how much you admire and honor them for their achievements
#7: Rich people associate with positive, successful people. Poor people associate with negative or unsuccessful people.
- Go to the library, a bookstore, or the Internet and read a biography of someone who is or was extremely rich and successful. Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Mary Kay, Donald Trump, Warren Buffett, Jack Welch, Bill Gates, and Ted Turner are some good examples. Use their story for inspiration, for learning specific success strategies, and most importantly, for copying their mind-set
- Join a high-end club, such as tennis, health, business, or golf. Mingle with rich people in a rich environment. Or, if there’s no way you can afford to join a high-end club, have coffee or tea in the classiest hotel in your city. Get comfortable in this atmosphere and watch the patrons, noticing they’re no different from you
- Identify a situation or a person who is a downer in your life. Remove yourself from that situation or association. If it’s family, choose to be around them less
- Stop watching trash TV and stay away from bad news
#8: Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value. Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion.
- Rate the product or service you are currently offering (or you are planning to offer) from 1 to 10 in terms of how much you believe in its value (1 being the lowest. 10 being the highest). If your rating result is 7-9, revise your product or service to increase the value. If your result is 6 or below, stop offering that product or service and start representing something you truly believe in
- Read books, listen to audios and CDs, and take course on marketing and sales. Become an expert in both of these arenas to a point where you can promote your value successfully and with 100 percent integrity
#9: Rich people are bigger than their problems. Poor people are smaller than their problems.
- Whenever you are feeling upset over a “big” problem, point to yourself and say, “Mini me, mini me.” Then take a deep breath and say to yourself, “I can handle this. I am bigger than any problem.”
- Write down a problem you are having in your life. Then list ten specific actions you can take to resolve or at least improve this situation. This will move you from problem thinking into solution thinking. First, there’s a good chance you’ll solve the problem. Second, you’ll feel a heck of a lot better
#10: Rich people are excellent receivers. Poor people are poor receivers.
- Practice being an excellent receiver. Each time someone gives you a compliment of any sort, simply say, “Thank you.” Do not return a compliment to that person at the same time. This allows you to fully receive and own the compliment instead of “deflecting” it, as most people do. This also allows the giver of the compliment the joy of giving the gift without it being thrown back at them.
- Any, and I mean any, money you find or receive should enthusiastically be celebrated. Go ahead and scream out, “I’m a money magnet. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” This goes for money you find on the ground, for money you get as gifts, for money you get from the government, for money you get as a paycheck, and for money you get from your business. Remember, the universe is set up to support you. If you keep declaring that you are a money magnet, and especially if you have the proof, the universe will simply say, “Okay,” and send you more.
- Pamper yourself. At least once a month do something special to nurture yourself and your spirit. Get a massage, a manicure, or a pedicure, take yourself for an extravagant lunch or dinner, rent a boat or a weekend cottage, have someone bring you breakfast in bed. (You might have to trade with a friend or family member.) Do things that will allow you to feel rich and deserving. Again, the vibrational energy you emit from this kind of experience will send a message to the universe that you live abundantly, and again, the universe will simply do its job and say, “Okay, “and give you opportunities for more
#11: Rich people choose to get paid based on results. Poor people choose to get paid based on time.
- If you are currently in a job getting paid based on an hourly wage or salary, create and propose a compensation plan to your employer that would allow you to get paid at least partly based on your individual results as well as the results of the company
- If you own your own business, create a compensation plan that allows your employees or even primary suppliers to get paid based more on this result and the results of your company. Put these plans into action immediately
- If you are currently in a job and not being paid what you are worth based on the results you are producing, consider starting your own business. You can begin part-time. You could easily join a network marketing company or become a coach, or offer independent consulting services back to the company you originally worked for, but this time, paid on performance and results rather than only for your time
#12: Rich people think “both”. Poor people think “either/ or.”
- Practice thinking and creating ways of having “both.” Whenever alternatives are presented to you, ask yourself, “how can I have both?”
- Become aware that money in circulation adds to everyone’s life. Each time you spend money, say to yourself, “This money will go through hundreds of people and create value for all of them.”
- Think of yourself as a role model for others – showing that you can be kind, generous, loving, and rich!
#13: Rich people focus on their net worth. Poor people focus on their working income.
- Focus on all four net worth factors: increasing your income, increasing your savings, increasing your investment returns, and decreasing your cost of living by simplifying your lifestyle
- Create a net worth statement and commit to tracking and revising his statement each quarter. To do this, add the current dollar value of everything you own (your assets) and subtract the total value of everything you owe (your liabilities). Commit to tracking and revising this statement each quarter. Again, by virtue of the law of focus, what you track will increase
- Hire a financial planner who is highly successful and works with a well-known, reputable company. Again, the best way to find a great financial planner is to ask friends and associates for their referrals.
#14: Rich people manage their money well. Poor people mismanage their money well.
- Open your Financial Freedom bank account. Put 10% of all your income (after taxes) into this account. This money is never to be spent, only invested to produce passive income for your retirement
- Create a Financial Freedom jar in your home and deposit money into it every day. It could be $10, $5, $1, a single penny, or all your loose change. Again, this will put daily attention on your Financial Freedom, and where attention goes, results show
- Open
a play account or have a play jar in your home where you deposit 10 percent of
all your income. Along with your play account and your financial freedom account,
open four more accounts and deposit the following percentages into each:
- 10 percent into your Long-Term Savings for Spending Account
- 10 percent into your Education Account
- 50 percent into your Necessities Account
- 10 percent into your Give Account
- Whatever money you have, begin managing it now. Do not wait another day. Even if you only have a dollar. Manage that dollar. Take ten cents and put it into your FFA jar, and another ten cents and put it into your play jar. This action alone will send a message to the universe that you are ready for more money. Of course, if you can manage more, manage more.
#15: Rich people have their money work hard for them. Poor people work hard for their money.
- Get educated. Take investment seminars. Read at least one investment book a month. Read magazines such as Money, Forbes, Barron’s, and the Wall Street Journal. I’m not suggesting you follow their advice, I’m suggesting you get familiar with what financial options are out there. Then choose an arena to become an expert in and begin investing in that area.
- Change your focus from “active” income to “passive” income. List at least three specific strategies with which you could create income without working, in either the investment or the business field. Begin researching and then take action on these strategies.
- Don’t wait to buy real estate. Buy real estate and wait
#16: Rich people act in spite of fear. Poor people let fear stop them. –
- List your three greatest worries, concerns, or fears regarding money and wealth. Challenge them. For each, write down what you would do if the situation you fear actually happened. Could you still survive? Could you make a comeback? Chances are that the answers are yes. Now quit worrying and start getting rich!
- Practice getting out of your comfort zone. Intentionally make decisions that are uncomfortable for you. Speak to people you normally wouldn’t speak to, ask for a raise in your job or raise your prices in your business, wake up an hour earlier each day, walk in the woods at night. Take the Enlightened Warrior Training. It will train you to be unstoppable!
- Employ “power thinking.” Observe yourself and your thought patterns. Entertain only thoughts that support your happiness and success. Challenge the little voice in your head whenever it tells you “I can’t” or “I don’t want to “or “I don’t feel like it.” Don’t allow this fear-based, comfort-based voice to get the better of you. Make a pact with yourself that whenever the voice tries to stop you from doing something that would be supportive to your success, you will do it anyway, to show your mind that you are the boss, not it. Not only will you increase your confidence dramatically, but eventually this voice will get quieter and quieter as it recognizes it has little effect on you.
#17: Rich people constantly learn and grow. Poor people think they already know.
- Commit to your growth. Each month read at least one book, listen to one educational tape or CD, or take a seminar on money, business, or personal development. Your knowledge, your confidence, and your success will soar!
- Consider hiring a personal coach to keep you on track.
- Attend the Millionaire Mind Intensive. This amazing event has transformed the lives of thousands and thousands of people and will transform your life too!
Overall, good insights and you need to implement the action steps to become rich! 7/10